FREE Workshop
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Imagine making your dream revenue with ease.
Without the overworking, hustle and exhaustion.

This FREE Workshop holds the key to having more energy while making more money.
If you are feeling overwhelmed with where to start, and what to prioritize this is the workshop for you.
If you feel fear, even terror, that you will get it wrong and FAIL, you need to sign up for this workshop.
These emotions are sucking your time, and contributing to your exhaustion without you knowing.

In this workshop you will learn the steps to bring in clients and revenue.

You will learn how to work with emotions that cause you to freeze or sabotage your best interests. 

This is all done within your ideal work schedule.

There is no need to push aside your own self care or precious time with family for the sake of productivity and “success”.

In fact you will learn self care tools that will help you to create more clients, overcome fears and obstacles, and process uncomfortable emotions.

It’s time to create a clear path to generating more clients and more revenue. So you know exactly what to do at each step along the way. No more second guessing, wasting time google searching and then doubting if what you are doing is working.

It’s time to do something different. What worked in the past to get you here, will not work for where you want to go.

What you will learn in this 90 Minute FREE Workshop: 
Strategy 1
Solve how to get more clients and revenue once and for all. 
Strategy 2
Become an expert at quickly and easily recognizing what is sapping your time and energy and know what to do instead.
Strategy 3
Learn how to create your own blueprint for success, with full confidence that you know it will work.
with Dr. Alison McLean
Physical Therapist, Yoga Teacher & Coach

The founder of Ignite Ur Wellness. Alison specializes in helping entrepreneurs to grow their business, while caring for their health AND enjoying life in the process.

The diagnosis of Lynch Syndrome and Rectal Cancer awakened her to sustainability of her hustle and grind lifestyle. She quickly realized for the sake of her health, her ability to serve her patients and clients best, and show up to be the mom and wife she desired, changes were needed.

Now she helps others manage their time, boost their energy with tactics and mindset to create success in their business AND with their health. 


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©2022 Ignite Ur Wellness